Q Article #5 due Thursday 9/3 by 11:59pm Dear Class: Please go to https://www.ncbi.nlm/05.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5452690/ or the article titled "Gender dimensions to the Ebola outbreak in Nigeria" and or the article Briefing: Why women and children are at greatest risk as Ebola continues to spread in Congo and respond to the following: 1. Why did more women than men die in this outbreak? In both Nigeria and Congo. 2. Describe Ebola. What is it? 3. Where was Ebola in Nigeria? 4. Describe the contact tracing done and how "contact" was determined in Nigeria. What was contact tracing in Congo. Why were children left out? 5. What were the data collection methods in Nigeria? Were there any collections in Congo. Go to your browser and see if you can find anything on this. Report on what you find and citations please. 6. How were cases identified in Nigeria? In Congo, the focus was on how Ebola was transmitted. List transmission methods. 7. Why were women more vulnerable to infection for Nigeria and for Congo? 8. Describe care giving by the women of Nigeria and Congo. Go to your browser and try to find care giving statistics-- by gender-- of care givers in the US. Please note that care giving includes laundry workers, nurses, etc. 9. What were some of the impacts of the outbreak on women in Nigeria and in Conogo? 10. In what ways were women not vulnerable to Ebola in iIgeria? How did they take power? 11. What are some gender sensitive solutons? 12. In Congo, children died at alarming rates. Describe this. 13. Please note the differences between the management of the outbreak in Nigeria and Congo. What are those differences and what were the respective outcomes? 14. Please write a letter of thanks to a care giver. It could to your mom who cared for you when you got the flu or a nurse or worker who cares for your grandmother in a nursing home. 15. Citations please. PAM
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